November 11, 2005
Blog & Feed Search Engine For Sale
Chris Ridings’ Blogs Say, a blog and feed search engine, is for sale.
I mentioned this to some of my friends. If I had a bit more technical knowledge or flow I probably would nab it up myself. The three hardest problems I can think of are:
- getting users to want to ping it and help market it
- handling the server load from spam pings
- filtering out the noise while still making quality sites accessible
I think one of the biggest problems with blog search is that spammers are totally dealed with in an adversarial way. Nobody in the blog space really wants to listen to them, although I think their feedback would help solve many of the common blog spam problems.
Chris also recently created a meta search site for feeds & RSS.
A service by the name of MonitorThis meshes up 15 different search feeds into a single ompl file. Surely a useful feature for blogging professionals who write on many different topics. What would be really cool would be a tool that would compress all those feeds into one feed. I am sure something like that has to exist, right?
MonitorThis link from Philipp