January 1, 2006
Blogs and Press Releases
Some topics are so spammy that likely over 95% of the news in those fields is composed of spam. While uncertain of what to write about some new bloggers may post about press releases as much as interesting news because until you really learn the web and learn your subject well it is a bit hard to distinguish the good from the bad.
If you are new to blogging or are building a blog network based on scale and low costs a few tips worth noting off the start are:
- Most press releases are spam.
- Most information is spam.
- In highly commercial categories almost all information is spam.
- Blogs do well because they are not like press releases. Instead of giving you just the spin and junk marketing messages most good bloggers sort through good and bad information and highlight the best information.
- When in doubt it is almost always better to reference a media site over a press release.
- If what you are doing can be done by an algorithm then there is little point in doing it manually. Learn how to program and set your program loose.
Even if your blog is entirely commercially oriented it is still possible to provide interesting information if you hunt long enough. Good bloggers save their readers time or help them find new perspectives, deals, and relevant topical information.