December 21, 2005
Buying and Selling Blogs
Rarely do you get to read the details of a smaller financial transaction so clearly from both sides.
Andy Hagans posted about why he bought The Poker Blog and how he came to his valuation of it. Ben Bleikamp posted about how he created the site to sell.
Right now I sorta treat websites like I used to treat baseball cards…love collecting them. Only buy if you think you are getting a deal and only sell if you know it is far greater than you paid for it. One of my perhaps bad traits is that I tend to find ways to build value very cheaply and thus I do not work hard enough to exploit the full value or appreciate how much some things are worth. Having others set up guidelines on value makes it easy to help appreciate the value of certain content / websites / ideas.
Have you ever flipped a blog or bought a blog? How did you know what price was the right price?